After we receive your referral, the specialist doctor in charge of your care will review your case notes online and then decide one of the following: 

  1. You might be sent for some tests. If this is the case, you will be told how to book these in, or for some patients, you will receive a letter in the post explaining how these will be arranged for you. Our specialist doctor or your GP will still be looking after you while this happens. Once your tests are completed, they will look at your results and let you know by a letter in the post what happens next. 
  2. You may need to speak with one of our doctors on the telephone. If the specialist in charge of your care needs more information about your symptoms, Medefer will arrange for you to speak with one of our doctors on the telephone at a time convenient for you.
  3. You may need to be seen by a specialist at the hospital. If this is the case, you will be told how to book an appointment or for some patients, Medefer will book an appointment for you in your local specialist hospital clinic. 
  4. Or once the specialist has reviewed your notes, you may not need tests or hospital treatment at all. If this happens, your specialist consultant will advise your GP what to do next.